Geomagic Control X is a powerful all-around metrology solution designed to add to your workflow. Use the Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner to create accurate high resolution data sets then get to work with Control X. Improve your work flow with the full range of user friendly tools: The intuitive controls and multiple user levels to tailor acquisition and inspection process to your team, while the innovative reporting tools allow you to produce graphically rich communicative reports  on the backend that meet yours and your customers needs. Geomagic Control X gives you the tools for efficient traceable and repeatable process in your metrology workflow that work for you and your team.

Extensive file import support Including CATIA, NX, Solidworks, inventor along side CAD Aware Dimensioning, PMI Support and Comprehensive GD&T Callouts make your CAD Modelling and your inspection process closer than ever. Don’t do the same work twice.